Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


That Mr. ~fayor be paid the several sums following expended by him : For entertaining 1\Iy Lord Chancellor, 15 pounds. For the Thanksgiving day, 15 pounds. For the King's birth-night, 9 pounds; postage of letters, 10 shillings; printed summons for the Council, 20 shillings. J n. Jiles' bill, 12 shillings. In all, 41 pounds. That ~fr. Sam I. W oodrufe, surveyor of the Corporation buildings, do employ one Preist, the plummer, to examine and amend the Tholsel Present-~fr. ~fayor, ~fr. ~fayor Elect, Sher.l\forley; Alden. Crone, Char- tres, Whiting, Francklyn, Delahoide, Phillips, Allin, Browne; :Mr. 'Ym. ~lasters, S. Wilson, A. French, J. 1\Iorrison. 15 Oct., 1716. "\\...m. Lambley, Esq., Mayor; Thomas Sheares, Thomas Browne, Esqrs. Sheriffs. That Ald. Chartres, any one of the Sheriffs, 1\Ir. Tho. Browne, ~fr. Com- lOOn Speaker, Mr. A. French, and Mr. J. Morrison, do audit Ald. Goddard's accounts, and report. That 1\fr. John Hodder, water-bailiff, attend next council day. That the Society of Bakers make their assize of bread according to the Act of Parliament, that every person may have free liberty to make bread according to said act. That the ~Iayor, Sheriffs, Aldermen, Burgesses do from henceforth attend l\1r. Mayor at the Cmmcil Chamber in the Tholsel every Sunday morning, in their gowns, to accompany Mr. Mayor to church. That all the papers relating to the Corporation be lodged in the Corpo- ration Chest and the counterparts of the leases taken out by Ald. Rob. Rogers and Col Dunscombe be restored again. That 1\Iessrs. Walter and Natl. Lavit and Mr. 1\ Peacock be admitted free, having serred 1\Ir. Joseph Lavit, like for Mr. Charles Cot- trell, eldest son of Ald. Cottrell, dec. That Jacob Ethrington be admitted one of the Blue Boys of S. Stephen's Hospital, on the recommendation of Mr. A bra. French. Present-Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Francklyn,

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