Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Chartres, Goddard, Whiting, Francklyn, Browne ; Mr. Tho. Browne, Lambly, Wilson. 17 Jan., 171~. That the sum of 12Zi. 15s. be paid to lir. }.fayor for the use of the seveml Captains of the Militia for their expenses on the day they were drawn out with their companies, same to be equably divided amongst them. That 2s. 2d. be paid the Captains of every company of }.filitia for every time such company mounted the guard, to defray the expences of tho drummers. That twelve large frize coats be made for the centrys, the money for them to be paid Mr. Woodrufe, who is to see them made. Present-Mr. Philip French, Mayor ; Sheriff }.forley; Alden. Crone, Knapp, Franklyn, Phillips, Pertlrian, Allin, Browne ; Mr. T. llrowue, Walker, Wilson. 16 Feb., 1715. That Peter, son of Peter Dickford, of this City, dec., be admitted as one of the Blue Boys of S. Stephen's Hospital, on the recommendation of Mr. Tho. Browne. Whereas it is thought necessary that there should be a corporal and eigltt horsemen of the Militia of this City to patrol in the North and South Suburbs and liberties, the charge of which iB computed at G shillings each night, being 4 pence each horse per night, Agrecc.l, that the llayor provic.le horses for the guards at the rate aforesaid. That Gifford Craven be paid 18 pence per day for the time he acted as adjutant to the Militia. That the Chamberlain pay Capt. Sevenhoven 37s. 2d. for repairing the arms of his Company. Present-Phil French, Esq., l!ayor; Mr. Sher. Morley; Alden. Crone, Goddard, Francklyn, Phillips, Perdrian, Browne ; Mr. Tho. Browne, Lambly, Wilson, Sher. Power, Goss, Com. Speaker. 5 March, 1715. That Thomas, son of Thomas Clerke,. dec., aged 9 years, be admitted one of the Blue Boys of S. Stephen's Hospital on the recommendation of Mr. Wm. Masters.


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