Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



several years past has been, in possession; Ordered, that if Mr. Hodder, upon notice, will take the same imployment by grant fron1 the Corporation for the term of seven years, at a yearly rent of 50li. to collect the Mayor's duties, keep up and maintain the needful perchis in the river, and do all other things relating to the river, and give security, but if he refuse 'so to do, then the same shall be put to public cant on Monday next at the Guild- hall, to the best bidder. Richmond Allin, having served 1\fr. Augustus Carry, Mercht., shall be admitted free, but not exempted from Gateage till after Michrelmas next. That William Busteed, Mercht., eldest son of Richard Busteed, a freeman, having married a Burgesses daughter, be admitted free under same restric- tion as to Gateage. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Chartres, Goddard, Francklyn, Phillips, Perdrian; Mr. Goss, Speaker, Mr. Walker, Browne, Masters, Lambley, Wilson. 1 .. dug., 1715. Mr. William Nicholson, who married the daughter of Ald. Joseph Francklyn, be on his petition admitted free. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Chartres, Crone, Goddard, Whiting, Cottrell, Francklyn, Phillips, Allin; Mr. Browne, Walker, Lambley, Anth. Goss, Common Speaker. 12 Sep., 1715. That 200li. sallary be allowed to Mr. Phillip French as Mayor next year. That whatever encroachment Mrs. Honohane has made by her building into the river be pulled down, and brought in according to a line to be drawn from the end of Ald. Knapp's quay to the South end of the house that Griffin now lives in. That a sallary of 20li. for ·one year and no longer be allowed Mr. Sam I. Woodroffe as overseer of public works and buildings of this City, and to 1 view the incroachments that may be made. A That 11li. lOs. be paid Mr. Mayor for wine and music used on 1 Aug., I being the day of the King's happy accession to the Crown. That 3li. 2s. be paid Edwd. Hart for some fire wol'ks used on that day.

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