Whereas Mr. Edwd. Webber produced the confirmation from the Lords Justices of his being made Town Clerk and Clerk of the Crown and Peace of this City and Co. thereof during his life, said Webber to be sworn in the Tholsel Court of this City on Thursday next. William Lane to be admitted free, having served Mr. Tho. Browne, Town Clerk. Like to John Hingston, having served Mr. John Morley, merch t. Like to William Freeman, Esq., and James Foucauld, jeweller, during residence, each paying 20s. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Goddard, Cottrell, Francklyn, Phillips, Allin ; Mr. Walker, Tho. Browne, Masters, Lambley, Mr. Wilson. . That the bulks in the several streets of this City be taken down by Mr. l\Iayor, that he reduce the shop windows to a reasonable breadth where inconvenient, and that he oblige persons having cellar doors next the street to have rails or shuts to same. Present-Edwd. Browne, Mayor; Jn. Morrisson and Hugh M.illerd, Sheriffs; Alden. Goddard, Francklyn, Phillips, Noblet Rogers, Knapp, Cottrell, Hoare, Tho. Browne, wm. Masters, Saml. Wilson, Abraham French, Common Speaker. 8 Dec., 1714. 14 Dec., 1714. That Ald. Francklyn, the Sheriffs, Mr. Wm. l\fasters view the ground in Ald. Hoare's possession near the old Market place, besides the ground he holds from Capt. Dunscombe, and report. That Ald. Chartres, the Sheriffs, Mr. Masters, and the Common Speaker inspect the Chamberlain's account and report. That the Mayor, &c., take up 100li. at 6 per cent. and pay Ald. Cottrell like sum due to him. That Mr. Tho. Browne be paid 8li. 2s. 8d., out of his bill of 8li. 12s. 8d. Present-Ed. Browne, Mayor; Jn. Morrisson and H. Millerd, Sheriffs; Alden. Chartres, Goddard, Francklyn, Morris, Whiting, Hoare, Tho. Walker, Tho. Browne, Sam 1• Wilson, Wm. Masters.
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