Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


28 Sep., 1714. That the fire works prepared for the King's arrival in England be fired on Friday night next, on the account already received, whether any further news be by next post or no. Tha~ the last order in relation to the Tickets on account of the Fire Works do stand. Whereas the dispute touching precedency between the Sheriffs Elect is desired to be settled by this assembly, now as they referred to the practice of the City of Dublin in the like case, which appears in favour of Mr. Morrisson being elected in the place of Mr. Webber, who by election was elder Sheriff, It is the opinion of this Council that Mr. Morrisson should have precedency. Present-Mr. Mayor Allin, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Goddard, Morris, Cottrell, Francklyn, Hoare, Noblet Rogers, Phillips; Mr. Walker, Tho. Browne, Lambley, Wilson. 11 Oct., 1714. Agreed, that the Channel from the Bridge leading to the Marsh so far Northward as the ground of the Bridewell extends, and so far Southwards as Mr. Christopher Tuckey's houses, be arched over, filled up and paved fit for any use the Corporation may think fit, and that the Mayor, Alden. Chartres, Goddard and Hoare do oversee the work. That Aidan. Goddard and Mr. Tho. Browne do proceed to the improvement of the Flesh Shambles. That for the purpose of carrying on necessary works lOOli. be borrowed at lowest interest. On the application of Mr. Thomas Browne, Common Clarke, and Clerke of the Crown and peace, by grant of this Corporation during his life, desiring leave to assign his grant to Mr. Edwd. Webber, to whom the reversion of said offices have been already granted, It appearing to be for the advan- tage of the Corporation that said Webber should be in possession in the life time of Browne, It ""as agreed that be may assign his grant to said Webber during his life, government confirming same. Present-Ed. Browne, Esq., Mayor; John Morrison, Esq. Sheriff; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Goddard, Morris, Cottrell, Whiting, Francklyn, Hoare, Phillips, Allin ; Mr. Walker, Tho. Browne, Masters, Wilson.

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