rejoycing on the King's landing in England be put off till his 1\IajY's Corona- tion. That Ambrose Jackson, William Hay, Francis "\Vood, and Paul Maylor, having served freemen, be admitted free. Present--Jon. Allin, :Mayor; Sher. Lavit; 1\Ir. Browne, 1\Iayor Elect; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Goddard, 1\Ion-is, 'Vhiting, Knapp, Phillips, Pcrdrin.11 ; Mr. "\Valker, Tho. Rrowne, 1\Iasters, 'Vilson. 1 Scp., 1714. That the fire works to be provitlcd against the day of his :\IajY'• Coroll.l- tion be as the l\Iayor shall direct, the Corporation to pay uo more thau :!.fit i. if they amount to so much, the l\Iayor having promised to defray tho over- plus both for making and firing. Present-Mr. Mayor, the Mayor Ele-ct, wth Sherifl:~ ; AMen. Chartrl•s, Whiting, Goddard, I>hillips ; 1\Ir. Walker, 1\lr. Tho. Browne, 1\Ia.sters, Wil~on. 6 Sep., 1714. That Joseph, son of Joseph Hoare ; Francis, son of Joseph Pike; and Richard, son of Thomas Brockelsby, (kc., be admitted free, without taking any oath. Agreed, that from henceforth no person shall bo admitted free without CroRe, Chartref-4, Goddard, Morris, Knapp, Cottrell, }i'rancklyn, Hoare; 1\Ir. "\Valker, l\1r. Tho. Browne, 1\Iasters, Lambley, 'Vilson. 27 Sep., 1714. taking the usual oaths nllll }laying a fine of 10 pom1ds. , Present--1\Ir. 1\Iayor Allin, both Sheriffs ; Ald 00 • Agreed, that the fire works prepared for joy of llis 1\IajY. King George's safe arrival in Great Dritain shall be fired the next night after the new8 shall come to this City, ami that two tickets shall be seut to each Alderman and Burgess for their wi vcs and daughters, or any two other women a.~ they shall think fit to come to the Council Chamber, to view the fire works, ami one ticket to be sent to each Alderman anu llurgesses widdow, fbr herself or one other woman for the same. Present-Mr. 1\Iayor Allin, Sher. French; Alden. Chartres, Cottre11, 1\Iorris, Francklyn, Hoare, Pcrc.lrian ; Mr. Walker, Tho. llrownc, l\:Iw;tcr!-4, Lambley, \Vilson. 47
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