Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That Ald. Hoare, Mr. Will. Masters, and Mr. Edwd. Browne provide a convenient place in the North Suburbs near Shandon Church for a Watch. That the Meal Market within this City be fitted for a guard by night of 12 men and a serjeant. That Mr. Robt. Markham and Mr. '"Tohn Maunsell be admitted free gratis. That Mr. Hubbard Hickman, son of a freeman, be admitted free. That 100li. at 8 per cent. be borrowed from Ald. Will. Chartres towards building South Bridge. That in case Mr. Randall Wills do not within two months build a quay at least 14 feet broad before his houses in the south west quarter of this City, then the punion eud and wall of his building, so fa:r as they are on the City wall, be pulled down by Mr. Abraham and Mr. Phillip French. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Goddard, Hoare, Perdrian, Common Speaker ; Mr. Walker, Tho. Browne, Masters, Ed. Browne, Wilson. 2 April, 1714. Pursuant to the proclamation from the Lord Lieutenant this day received for publishing the peace between Her Majesty of Great Britain and his Most Catholic MajY. the King of Spain. The same to be done with the 1 accustomed ceremonies to-morrow morning about 9 of the clock, and an Francis Edwards, of the city of London, Esq., presented with his freedom in a Silver box. Capt. John Reddan was likewise chosen a freeman of this City. / entertainment to be made in the evening in the Council Chamber. , ~ Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Goddard, Whiting, Cottrell, Morris, N. Rogers, Hoare, Phillips ; Mr. Tho. Browne, Ed. Browne, Lambley, Wilson. 6 .April, 1714. The streets of this City being very much out of repair and requ1nng to be new paved, It is thought fit that Mr. Mayor, with Alden. Chartres and Goddard, be desired _to treat with the ablest pavers within this City for paving same with good stones and gravel, and keeping same in repair for seven years or further.


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