Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



On reading the petition of Edward Berwick, praying a freedom of trade as


a freeman with dispensation of oath, which hath been allowed to many of \ his persuasion, granted on his paying a fine of 5 pounds. On reading the petition of Hugh Millerd, Jun., lfercht., eldest son of Hugh Millerd, an ancient freeman, having served and married a freeman's daughter, ordered, that he be forthwith atlrui.tted free. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Frencl1; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Goddard, Whiting, Knapp, }..rancklyn, N. Hogen~, l,hillips; llr. llrowne, LamLlcy, Wilson. 4 Jan., 1713. That Mr. Charles Delafay be paid 3Gl i. for six years newspapers, and that he desist sending any more. Also, that Mr. Joshua Savage be paid for two years three quarters news at 4 guineas per annum, amounting to 12U. 13s. That Mr. Mayor, Alden. Chartres, Goddard, Perdrian, and 1\fr. Thos. Browne be overseers of S. Stephen's Hospital for thu ensueing year. Whereas the Company of Goldsmiths of this City are very desirous to have an Essay :Master within this City, as conceiving it will tend very much to the advantage, not only to those of the trade, Lut to o.ll the in- habitants who have occasion to buy or ruake up any plato, which being a new thing, there never having Leen any such person in tlus City, ordered, that Mr. Thomas Browne do write to DuLlin to some friend to enquire tho nature of such an officer, as to his commission, who constitutes and em- powers him, and as to his fees what he receives, and report to this Loard. Consideration being had on the great encroachments made upon the Beast market in the North Suburbs Ly }!r. 'Vill. Dunscombe, agreed, that the 1\Iayor, &c., will on 11 inst., at 10 forenoon, taking with them the Deer- hundred jury, go to the place and view what encroachments are made, if any, and cause same to be removed, and they will endeavour that Mr. Dunscombe go along with them. Present-Mr. 1\Iayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Goddard, \Yhiting, Cottrell, Francklyn, Rogers, Phillips, Perdrian; Mr. Common Speaker, Mr. llrowne, LamLlcy, 'Vilson. 4G--2

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