Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



employ such person as he shall find occasion for, and that he correspond from time to time with Alu. Danl. Crone, whom he appoints deputy 1\fayor. That Alu. Knapp anu llr. J olm Allen be added to the committee to inspect the incroachments on the City walls, and report from time to time. Present-1\fr. Mayor, 1\Ir. Phillips, 1\Iayor Elect, both Sheriffs ; AlJen. Rob. Rogers, Crone, Chartres, },rench, GoJJarJ, Knapp, Cottrell, Delahoydc; Mr. Walker, Perry, Browne, and Allen. 20 A 'l."fJ., 1711. That Richard Cox, Esq., be admitted free gratis, likewise Richanllloarc, Esq. That Deane Hoare, mercht., having served Edward Hoare, present 1\Ia.yor, be admitted free. That Abraham French, mercht., son of Ald. James French, dec., bo admitted free. That the freedom in a ailver box be presented to the Lonl Chancellor if he comes to town as expected. Present-Mr. 1\fayor, Mayor Elect, both Sheriffs ; Aluen. Crone, Chartres, Goddard, Morris, 'Vhiting, Cottrell, Delahoyde, N. Uogers ; 1\Ir. Walkcr, Ferrie, Browne, Allen. 31 Aug., 1711. By consent, Mr. Charles Whiting was elected in the room of Mr. George Pearsy, dec., collector of the gateage and market duties, to receive liko allowance, to pay the produce to Mr. Jonathan Perrie, Chamberlain, onco every month, that all such as he employs be sworn before the Mayor, to give each of them a docket to walk by and keep a diary of the receipts. That Thomas Beale, merch'., be admitted free grat·i8 and to be dispensed with as to the oaths. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mayor Elect., Sher. Berry; Alden. Chartres, Goddard, 1\:Iorris, Whiting, Knapp, Cottrell, Delahoyd, Rogers, Jun. ; Mr. Walker, Perry, Browne. Q 4 Sep., 1711. That 'Richard, Earl of Cavan, the Lord Chief Baron Rochfort, and Mr. Justice Nutley be presented with the freedom of this City in silver boxes.

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