Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That Alden. French and Chartres, the two Sheriffs, Common Speaker, and Town Clerk audit the Chamberlain's account. That Mr. John 'V elsteed be made free on the act, relinquishing the fine. I>resent--1\fr. }rfayor, Sheriff Abelin; AlJ•n. Chartres, French, Goddard, l\forris, Whiting, Andrews, Cottrell, :Francklyn, DelahoyJe ; l\1r. ltichd. Phillips, Common Speaker, l\1r. 'V alker, I)errie, Browno.

4 Dec., 1710. That Thomas Solley be admitted free on the statutes. !)resent--Mr. l\1ayor,. both Sheriffs; Ald 80 :Francklyn, Delahoyde ; Common Speaker, Mr. Perrie, Browne.

• Chartres, French, :Morris,

19 Jan., 1710. That a letter be sent from the Mayor to Col Darry, acquainting him of the several persons that bring goods to tlus City alledging that they beloug to him, but produce no note from him. Carried, that in case Capt. Travers, Commander of the Crown Man-of- War, does not give the l\fayor satisfaction for the abuse which, by :Mr. Sherman's affidavid, it appears he gave the Mayor, then tho Mayor apply to the Government about it.. Present--1v1r. Mayor, both Sherriffs; Alden. Crofts, Chartres, French, Roberts, Goddard, l\forris, Whiting, Knapp, Cottrell._ Frd.llcklyn, N. lwgers; Common Speaker, Mr. Walker, Perrie, Brown~ •. 5 Mat:ch, 1710. On the petition of Timothy Murphy and otheM, touching au incon- veniency to their houses by the potatoes, Mr. l\1ayor is desired to consider s?rue fit place for that market, and that it be remo'led from the place where it now is. On reading the petition of Richard Dawson and James Maule, gent 0 ., landwaiters, ordered, that they be admitted free gratis.. That the papers, &c., belonging to the Corporation be put in the City )<, Chest, and an account to be taken, and to pass from l\1ayor to Mayor by , indenture. In order to prevent the misapplyiug the revenue of this Corporation, it i~ 44

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