THE COUNCIL-TO"'MEET ON NORTH BRIDGE AND VIEW TilE DATTLE:MENTS. 339 - .. Present-Noblett Rogers, Esq., Mayor; Richard Phillips, and Sam 1• Wil- son, Esqrs., Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, French, Uoberts, Goddard, Andrews, De- lahoyd ; Mr. Walker, Perrie , Browne. 7 Nov., 1709. That the Chamberlain pay Mr. John Joye 10li. for past services as Adju- tant of the Militia of this City. That Luke Stretch be made free on the statute. That the Sheriffs give power to John Hodder to collect the petty duties as he shall receive directions from Henry Lumley, gent. That the money in the Iron Chest be taken out and paid Mr. Tho. Browne, for ca1Tying on the work of the New Exchange. Present-Mr. l-Iayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Roberts, Andrews, French, Cottrell ; Messrs. Walkcr, Perry, Browne. 5 Dec., 1709. That the six chests of Arms in the loft over the Exchange be sent to the several officers of the :Militia, viz., one to the :M~ayor, one to Major Chartres, one to Capt. J..ove, one to Capt. Goddard, one to Lieut. Abelin for Capt. Hubbard, and one to Lieut. Wilson for Capt. Deane. Present- Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Chartres, French, Roberts, Goddard, Morris, Knapp, Andrews, Cottrell, Delahoyde, Common Speaker ; Mr. Walker, Perrie, Browne. 3 Feb., 1709. That as many of the members of the Council as think fit meet on the North Bridge, on Monday next, a.t 10 of the clock in the morning, to view the battlements proposed by .Ald. Dan 1• Crone,. and to report at next assem- bly, unanimously agreed (except the l!ayor and Ald. Rogers) that it would be very convenient for the City that there should be a stoney bridge if it could with safety be done. Present-- Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Rogers, Crofts, Crone, Chartres, French, Roberts, Whiting, Andrews, Cottrell, Delahoyd, Common Speaker; };Ir. Walker, Perrie, Browne. 43-2
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