just for the service of the City of Corke, without giving the Lord-Lieut. and Council the trouble of hearing said petition, we, having seen the petition and answer, and informed ourselves of the truth of the case, do award that the election made 5 July last be laid aside, and that the present Mayor, &c. proceed to the election of persons to serve as Mayor, &c. for ensuing year, according to the bye-law of 16 Sep., 1708, that is to say: that the present Mayor and Sheriffs shall each of them carry three Aldermen or Burgesses into the Castle, to be pitched upon by balloting or drawing their names by lots, and not by the choice of the present Mayor and Sheriffs ; and that such nine persons with the now Mayor and Sheriffs do pitch on three persons to be on the election for the Mayoralty, of whom Mr. Noblett Rogers is to be the first, and that Mr. Saml. Wilson, and Mr. Richd. Phillips, be two of the three persons to be put in election for Sheriffs. And it is our sem~e that it will be for the peace of the City that said Noblet Rogers, Sam 1• Wilson, and Richard Phillips be chosen Mayor and Sheriffs for the ensuing year; also that the bye-law of 16 Sep., 1708, shall remain in force, and that ~aid Rogers, Wilson, and Philipps, in electing Magistrates next year, do conform to said Bye-Law of 16 Sep., 1708, in choosing persons to go in to the Castle. We decline to insert our reasons for making this award, and hope it will be for the honour of the City and a means to pre- vent future divisions. Dated Aug. 19, 1709. Alan Brodrick (sig.) Thomas Brodrick (sig.) Lawrence Clayton (sig.)" Present- Mr. Mayor, Recorder, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Crone, Chartres, French, Roberts, Goddard, Whiting, Morris, Andrews, Cottrell, Francklyn; Mr. Walker, Perrie, Browne. 10 Oct., 1709. ): Ald. Rowland Delahoyde sworn a member of the Common Council. That a petition be sent to the Lords Justices and Council touching the exportation of corn, and praying the continuance of the prohibition, annex- ing the remonstrance of the Grand Jury to the petition which is to be sent to Edwd. Richardson, Esq. That the Mayor's Sallary for ensueing year be 200 pounds. That Aldn. Delahoyde, Goddard, the two Sheriffs, and Town Clerk, do audit the Chamberlain's account.
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