Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs, Sir Mathew Deane ; Alden. Hoare, Crone, Chartres, Goddard, Morris, Whiting, Cottrell; Mr. Walker, PetTie, Browne. 25 July, 1709. Agreed by all, except Alden. Love, Chartres, and Francklyn, that the matter of difference touching the- late election of .Afagistrates be referred to Thomas Brodrick, Esq., Mr. Attorney-General and Lawrance Clayton, Esq. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Recorder, both Sheriffs; AIUen. Hoare, Crone, Chartres, Love, Roberts, Goddard, Morris, Whiting, Cottrell, Francklyn; Mr. Walker, Perrie, Browne. 1 Aug., 1709. That 200li. of the money in the Iron Chest be paid towards the charge of building the New Exchange, and the money out at interest be called in. That Jolm Gaggin and George .Afurphy, Chandler, be admitted free on the Act. That the Judges lodging be provided at Mr. Sher. Lambley's house, to be allowed 16li. per annum. That an acquittance for a year's rent due from the Vintners' Company to Skiddye's Hospital. being 24li., be given Tho. Browne as formerly. Present--Mr. Mayor, Recorder, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, French, Roberts, Goddard, Whiting, Francklyn, Walker, Perrie, Browne. 12 Sep., 1709. On reading the award of Allan Brodrick, Thomas Brodrick, and Law- rance Clayton, Esq., in relation to the late election of Magistrates, Ordered, that it be entered in the Council Book, which is as follows : " To all Christian people we send greeting. Whereas a petition was lately preferred to the Lord.-Lieut. and Council of this kingdom, by Sr. Math. Deane and others, against the approbation of Noblett Rogers, mercht., Saml. Wilson, mercht., and Richard Phillips Cooper, as Mayor and Sheriffs of this City for ensuing year, upon several allegations in said petition. Wbereas the persons petitioning as the persons petitioned against have de- sired us to take into consideration such matters, and do what shall seem 43

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