Chartres, Love, French, Roberts, Goddard, 1\Iorris, 'Vhiting, Andrews, Cottrell, Speaker ; 1\Ir. Walker, Perrie, Browne. 2 May, 1709. On reading the petition of William Sealy and Richard Croker, leave is given to them to carry out the quay before the bt~ihli~gs- on the North Strand as far Southward as Ald. Crone's and Ald. Knapp's quays are. ) Agreed, that 350li. in the hands of AlJ.en. Chartres and French, belonging ·to the Corporation, be put in the hands of Ald. Hoare, giving his bond with interest at 6 pe1· cent.; and further, on delivering the bonus to Chartres and French, the interest now due be paid to Al<l Poey's wife as from the Corporation. Present-Mr. 1\fayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Chartres, I..ove, French, Roberts, Goddard, Morris, Andrews, Cottrell, Speaker; 1\Ir. 'Va.lker, Perry, and Browne. 9 May, 170!>. That lOOli. be paid out of the Iron Chest to ~Ir. Tho. Browne, for carry- ". Crofts, Crone, Chartres, French, Roberts, Morris, Love, Cottrell, Francklyn, Common Speaker; 1\fr. Perrie, Browne. 17 May, 170!>. ing on the building of the new Exchange.~ Present-~fr. ~fayor, both Sheriffs; Ald 6 That the Town Clerk do this post write to Mr. Edward Webber and give all the instruction he desires in order to avow the taking of goods replevyed from John Hodder. That Capt. John Gamble be admitted free U'ratis. That the account brought in by Mr. Edwd. Webber for 19li. lOs. Bd. about petty duties be paid. Whereas it is conceived necessary this present session of Parliament for the preservation of the Protestant interest and support of the trade of the cities and towns in the Protestant hands, by endeavouring to debar the Papists from carrying on any foreign trade, which they are rnnning into and which they will in alllikelyhood (if not seasonably prevented) ingross to themselves, to the unspeakeable prejudice of the Protestant merchants and traders, and hinderance of foreign Protestants from coming over with
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