Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Merchants touching the petty duties be continued to them, notwithstanl;ng the former act of council. Noblett Ruddock, eldest son of a freeman, to be admitted free• .Henry Dicks, mariner, to be admitted free on the act. John Stanton to be sworn free, marrying the daughter _of Mr. David Jones a freeman. The Sallary of the Mayor to be 200Zi. per annum. Present--Roland Delahoyde, Esq., Mayor; Mr. Recorder, Wm. Lambley and James Morrison, Esq., Sheriffs; Alden. Rogers, Chartres, Roberts_, Goddard, Morris, Andrews, Edwd. Hoare, Common Speaker; Mr. Walker, Perry, Browne. · 1 Nov., 1708. David Bindon to be admitted free on serving Ald. Edwd. Hoare and Mr. Ed wd. Hoare, Jun. That Mr. Wright be paid 2 guineas for the lodging of Lieut-Gen. Ingoldsby. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Morrison; Alden. Crone, French, Roberts,. Whiting, Andrews, Cottrell ; Mr.•Walker, Perry, Browne. 8 Nov., 1708. That the state of the case between this City and the several Irish merchants, touching the Petty duties, be drawn and sent to Dublin to Mr. Edward Webber, to have the Speaker's and Recorder's adviee thereon. That 150li. be paid out of the Iron Chest to Mr. Tho. Browne, towards carrying on the works of the Exchange. Present--Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Love, French, Roberts,. Morris, Andrews> Poey, Francklyn; Mr. Speaker. 23 Nov., 1708. Ald. Francklyn one of the Council That Alden. French, Roberts, Francklyn, two Sheriffs, and Town Clerk audit the Chamberlain's account. That Mr. Edward Webber be written to to appear for Mr. John Hodder ,-upon several writs out of the Common Pleas, and that he retain Mr. X Bernard, Mr. Luther_, and Sir Toby. Butler, the Speaker_, and Mr. Deane. ., I • ~-· .

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