Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Crone, Chartres, Love, :French, Robarts, Goddard, Morris, Whiting, Knapp, Andrews, Cottrell ; l\!r. 'V alker, l">errie, llrowne. 16. Sep., 1708. The Council, taking notice of the great animositycs that have arisen in this City since the late election of magistrates for the ensueing year, and foreseeing the same will rather increase than be appeased by having tho petition against the Election contested before the Lords tT usticcs and Council, have, for creating an agreement in the City for the future, desireu the petitioners to withdraw their petition, which was done. Present-Mr. l\Iayor, Recorder, both Sheriffs; Alden, Crofts, Crone, Chartres, French, Roberts, 1\tiorris, Whiting, Knapp, Andrews, Cottrell, Poey; l\!r. Walker, Perrie, Browne. 27 Sep., 1708. That John Goble, having served Joseph Enoch, be admitted a freeman at large. Daniel Harris, pewterer, having served Edwd. Goble, an ancient freeman, to be admitted free. That the Chamberlain do clear the account of ~Jr. Edwd. Weuuer, except what is on the Hospital account, and that to. be paid to the treasurer of S. Stephen's Hospital. Do. to pay Afr. Sheriff Hawkins lli'. 3s. 4d., to make up the quarters uy him agreed to pay for Brigadier Winus' lodgings. Present-Mr. Afayor, Sher. Hoare; Alden. French, Tioberts, Goddard, Whiting, Andrews, Cottrell ; Afr. Walker, Perrie, Browne. 28 Sep., 1708. St. John Brodrick, Esq., producing the Lords Justices' approbation of his Election, was sworn Recorder. . Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Hoare ; Alden. Crofts, French, Roberts, Whiting, Andrews, Poey; Mr. Walker, Perry, Browne. 14 Oct., 1708. Carried, that the grants made by the Corporation to several of the Popish 4~-2

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