be examined by Mr. Wm. Masters and Mr. Thos. Browne, and what they think fit be allowed. That Mr. Masters be allowed 20li. out of the 600li., last year's gateage, and the ten pounds promised by Thomas Austen, belonging to the Corpora- tion, same to be sued for. Upon reading Capt. Aldie's letter of submission, ordered, that a letter be written by the Mayor to the Speaker, to intercede with the Lords Justices on his behalf. That Mrs. Lord be paid lOs. a week for the quarters of Col. Brutenell for seven weeks, and that Sher. Rogers be paid 3 pounds, which he laid out for the quarters of Major Gwy, and hereafter a stop be put to the paying for the quarters of any officers. Present-Mr. Mryor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Chartres, French, Roberts, Goddard, Morris, Knapp, Andrews, Cottrell; Mr. Perrie, Browne. 7 Jan., 1706. On the petition of Joseph Hoare, ordered, that he be admitted free gratis. dispensing the oath. That Mr. Jonathan Perrie pay Mr. Thos. Browne for his last service 10 pounds. That the Chamberlain pay Mr. Enock 7 pounds for the quarters _of Lieut.- Gen. Langton, his Aid-de-camp, and retinue while here. That the Chamberlain pay Mr. Wright 15s. per week for Brigadier Sankey's quarters, and lOs. per week for Lieut.-Coll. Gower's quarters, for ten weeks for the Lieut.-Coll., and five weeks for the Brigadier, Sli. 15s. That Alden. Crone, Chartres, and Cottrell, both Sheriffs, and Mr. Tho. Browne audit the Chamberlain's account. That Joshua Slocomb be discharged from further taking care of the Town Clock, his name put out of the dial, and Richard Deeble, if he will under- take it, be employed in his stead. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Bayly, Crofts, Crone, Chartres, French, Roberts, Goddard, Whiting, Knapp, The Speaker; Mr. Walker, Perrie, Browne.
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