That the Chamberlain pay unto Ald. James French, 150 pounds out of the Corporation revenue, and take a bond with good security, with interest at 6 per cent., within six months or sooner if required. That the Chamberlain pay unto Ald. Peter Renew 25 pounds, he giving his bond, with an hypothecation of his bricks now on the Corporation ground, with 6 per cent. within six months or sooner if demanded. That William Sherwood, the beadle, do twice or thrice each week sweep the herb-market, to have the benefit of the dung, clearing it away within 24 hours after sweeping same. That John Allen, the night bell-man of this City, in consideration of his going about the City and Suburbs every night from 29 Sep. to 25 March, shall have a livery-coat and a sallary of 40s. per annum. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Rogers; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Renew French, "\Vhiteing, Knapp, Cottrell; Mr. Walker, Perrie, Browne. 16 Nov., 1706. Upon the Secretary's letter from the Government, touching Capt. Aldie's being tried before a court of Gen. officers, and sentenced and suspended his pay and command till he makes satisfaction to this Corporation for the insult he made 27 June last, being read, it was agreed, that as to his tryal and sentence we should acquiesce, but write to the Secretary that we desired the Government would order satisfaction to be given by the Captain in such manner as they shall see meet. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Rogers ; Alden. Crofts, Crone, Chartres, Love, French, Roberts, Goddard, Morris, Whiteing, Common Speaker; ~1r. Walker, Perrie, Browne. 2 Dec., 1706. Agreed, that henceforth no person shall be admitted free without appli- cation to the Mayor and Council, and their order. On the petition of Randolph Wills, eldest son of Thomas Wills, a free- man, and having served his apprentiship to him, ordered, that he be admitted free. ~' That the matter in dispute "With Thomas Barry about the toll of the linen . 41
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