Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

MR. JOHN HODDER ELECTED WATEn-BAILIFF. 317 Goddard, Morris, Whiting, and Andrews ; Mr. Walker, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Browne. 19 .April, 1706. Orderea, that Mr. John Hawkins have liberty to run out his quay North Westerly, leaving a sufficient channel, such as shall be approved by Ald 80 • French, Goddard, and Morris, but to make no building thereon; said quay, when enlarged, to be left open as the other quays on the Marsh. That Dr. Daniel Webber have a lease of 199 years of the piece of ground without and adjoyning to the South West walls, from the South Gaole on the East to the quay built out of his messuage on the West, at the rent of 20s. per annum. Mr. John Hodder was elected Water-bailiff from this time till the first sitting of the Council after Michrelmas twelve month~ and then the office be elective from year to year; no deputy to be appointed but by the appro- bation of the Mayor and Council. Present- Mr. Mayor, Sher. Pearse; Alden. Bayly,. Rogers,. Hoare, Renew, French, Morris, and Goddard ; Mr. Walker, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Browne. 6 May, 1706. Agreed, that Dr. Daniel Webber have a lease for 999 years of the piece of ground adjoyning the walls on the back of his holdings, from the quay already built to the corner of the South Gaole, at the rent of 108. per ann-wrn. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Pierse; Alden. Chartres, Renew, Crone, Love, French, and Roberts; Mr. Walker, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Browne. 17 May, 1706. That the Chamberlain pay .Ald. Danl. Crone 138li. 178. Sd., due for lead bought by him for the Corporation use. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Pearse; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Renew, Love, French, Roberts, Morris, Whiting, and Knapp; the Speaker, Mr. Walker, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Browne. 11 June, 1706. Upon reading the Recorder's letter to the Mayor and the draft of an


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