Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Ordered, that Ald. Crone, Mr. Perrie, and 1\Ir. Browne examine the demands of 1\-Ir. Pike and others for money lent to the Corporation, and report what is due over and above what they owe to the Corporation for rent, &c. That Miles Jackson be admitted free gratis. That Thomas Berry, distiller, be also admitted free, having married a burgesses daughter. Present--Mr. Mayor, 1\{r. Recorder, Sher. Pearse; Alden. Rogers, Bayly, Crofts, Crone, Chartres, Renew, Love, }....rench, Roberts, 'Vhiting, ~!orris, aud Andrews ; Common Speaker, Mr. 'N alker, l!r. I>errie, :Mr. Browne. 18 Jan., 1705. Ordered, that the encroachment on~the old market pJace in the North Suburbs be examined, and a copy of Sr. William Titchborne's patent be taken out, so as to find out what right he has, and then advise what course to take for removal of encroachments. On reading the petition of Mr. Edward Webber, it is agreed, that said Mr. Webber have a grant of the Town Clerk's office, &c., in reversion after the present officer, at the yearly rent of 10 pounds, he paying on perfection of the grant 100 pounds ater., with this clause, that he lives within the City, or county of this City, and executes it by no other deputy but such as shall be approved by the Mayor, &c. On consideration of Mr. Perrie's demand of Sallary, on account of Chamberlain, over and above what has been allowed on his account, agreed, that Mr. Perrie be allowed out of the money due from him to the Corpora- tion 50 pounds, and for the future he be allowed 30 pounds per annum. That John Griffitts be admitted a freeman, and dispensed with swearing, paying 5 guineas. That Mr. Peter Betesworth be admitted free gratis. Present-- Mr. Mayor, Mr. Recorder, Sher. Pearse; Alden. Bayly, Crofts, Hoare, Crone, Renew, French, Roberts, 1\{orris, Whiting, and Andrews; Common Speaker,. Mr. Perrie, Mr. Browne. 40-2

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