11 Jan., 1704. Ordered, that the seal of the leather be put into the hands of John French, curryer, and that the Mayor, Alden. Chartres and Goddard do treat with him upon such terms as they can agree, and that the Master and Wardens of the Cordwainers be overseers of the sealing of the leather. On the petition of Michrel Gallaway, ordered, that his rent be remitted to 12li. per annum. That an application be made to the Parliament next session, setting forth the grievance the English lie under by the encroachments of the Irish into their respective trades, and also setting forth the great numbers of Irish flocking into this City, to the great damage and danger of the Protestant inhabitants. That Robert Fitzgerrald, Esq., be admitted a freeman of this City gratis. That t.he present and late Mayor and late Sheriffs do adjust the accounts of the several quarters ot the General Officers the last year, same to be paid out of the Public revenue. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Recorder, both Sheriffs, Alden. Crofts, Chartres, Renew, Roberts, Goddard, Morris, Whiting, and Knapp; Mr. Perrie, Mr. Browne. 5 Feb., 1704. On the petition of Benj. Hughes, it is agreed that he be abated 40s. per annum out of his holding. Ordered, that the Common ground on the North East Marsh be enclosed with a wall and a gate, Mr. Sher. Perdrian and Mr. Perrie to be overseers, charge out of the public revenue. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Perdrian; Alden. Crone, Renew, Love, French, Roberts, Goddard, and Morris ; Common Speaker, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Browne. 26 Feb., 1704. Upon reading the letters from the Recorder, ordered, that letters be written up to the Speaker and the Lieut.-General desiring them to use theh· interest to prevent the division of the County of Cork.
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