1 July, 1704. Forasmuch as several persons, traders within this City, upon account of their partnership with freemen, under their shelter do import and export their goods without paying the petty duties, ordered, that l\Ir. Lumly be directed not to admit any person not free to pass any goods in the name of a freeman without paying petty duties, except the freeman o~ues hy writing under his hand that the goods belong to himself or are consigned to him solely, and if any freeman enters any goods otherwise, and be thereof convicted, he shall be disfranchised. Ordered, that there be a coun~il held without summons the first l\Ionday in every month at 3 o'clock, a11d whenever the l\Iayor has occasion to call a council on any emergency, that then the members shall be duly summoned. That after tlus day sennight no churns of sour milk be admitted within the gates of this City, but that markets for the same be kept in the suburbs, being a great nuisance within the City. Present-Mr. Mayor,both Sheriff8; Ald 80 .~Bayly, Crone, Chartres, French, Roberts, Goddard, Whiting; Mr. Walker, l\Ir. J>en-ie, J.Ir. 7 .Aug., 1704;. Ordered, that 100li., paid by Ald. French to the Earl o£ UuJUly for tho Barrack ground, be endorsed on his bond for 300li, uy him entered into with the Corporation. That the rails of the South Bridge be primed with oil. That the Mayor elect be allowed 200li. for llis sallary for ensueing year. Present-1\Ir. l\Iayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Chartr~s, Love, French, Roberts, Goddard, Whiting; l\Ir. J>errie, l\I~. Browne.. 21 .Aug., 1704. As we are given to underst.and that Lieut.-Gen. Earle will sudd·enly come to this City about Her l\Iajies. Service, it is thought fit that he, with the officers attending him, be entertained at the public charge, and that the same be done by the Mayor at his own house; also that private lodgings be provided for the Lieut.-Gen. and such Genl. ofticers as shall attend her Excellency. 39-2
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