Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



own charge, and giving an instrument under their hands to the Corporation obliging them, their executors, &c., and the inhabitants of said Marsh, for ever to keep same in repair, said bridge to be built as high as Ald. Goddard, Ald. Morris, Mr. Smith, and 1\{r. Thos. Browne shall think convenient for lighters to pass, and making a slip adjoyning said bridge between it and Capt. Dunscomb's ground. Upon application on behalf of Sir Matthew Deane for liberty to build a drawbridge from Cockpit over the Channel to the North East Marsh, carried, that liberty be given him to build such draw-bridge at his own cost, and to keep it in repair, said bridge to be as convenient for ships to pass through as Capt. Dunscomb's new bridge is. On reading the petition of Richard Pike, Jun., son of Joseph Pike, merchant, praying his freedom as eldest son of said Joseph, and to dispense with the oaths, ordered, that in regard of several services done to this City by said Joseph Pike and his father-in-law, Mr. Francis Rogers, dec. (and not of the petitioner's being eldest son of Joseph Pike) said Richard Pike, Jun., is admitted free of this City as others of his religion, and the oaths dispensed with. . Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crofts, Hoare, Crone, Renew, Love, Roberts, Goddard, Morris, and Whiting; Common Speaker, Mr. Walker, Mr. Browne. 24 June, 1704. Ordered, that 150 pounds, the charge of passing the act of Parliament for cleansing and deepening the channel of this City, be paid by the Chamberlain unto Mr. Edward Webber out of the Public revenue, and to be allowed the 80 pounds paid on his Bill of Exchange included. That the Chamberlain pay unto the Mayor 4li. 19s., by him paid for the " Public News," sent him by Mr. De-laffa for three quarters of a year, and so continue till further order. That Mr. Edward Webber be paid 5li. 19s. for the Cap of Maintenance out of the Public Revenue. Present--Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Bayly, Chartres, Roberts, Goddard, Morris, Whiting ; Common Speaker, Mr. Walker, Mr. Browne.

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