surrender of the lease made by this Corporation to said Ballard of the Castle called the King's Old Castle, wherein the electors for the magistrates of this City yearly sit, in consideration of which surrender it is agreed that said French, his executors, &c., shall be allowed two years and a half interest of the money lent him by the Corporation, being 250 pounds, at the rate of 6 per cent., for which French gave his bond and security. Present---M:r. }.fayor, Sher. Masters, Speaker, Sher. Watkins; Altl 0 ". Bayly, Rogers, Allin, Crone, Chartres, Renew, French, Roberts, Goddard, 1\1orris ; Mr. Ronaine, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Browne. 5 Oct., 1703. Mr. John Whiting, late 1\Iayor, was sworn Alderman and one of the Council. The Sheriffs and Common Speaker sworn of the Common Council during their year. Whereas the River and Channel of this City is much obstructed, and several shoales and banks risen therein, to the prejudice of the navigation, ordered, that application be made to the Representatives of this City in Par- liament, to procure an act enabling us to cleanse and improve the same at the charge of this City, Suburbs, and Liberties, including the Manor of St. Finbarrye's. Present--Edmond Knapp, Esq., Mayor; Mathias Smith and Edward Browne, Esqrs., Sheriffs; Alden. Crofts, Crone, Chartres, Renew, Love, French, Roberts, Morris, Whiting; Wm. Masters, Common Speaker; Mr. Perrie, Mr. Champion, }.1r. Browne. 12 Oct., 1703. The complaint sent to Dublin, in order to be laid before the House of Commons, touching the Customs of the Gates and Markets, being read, and the collectors thereof being examined, ordered, that the Clerk of the Council forthwith draw a copy of the Docketts to be posted up for all persons' view, and that answers to several parts of the Complaint be drawn up by him and sent by the Mayor to the Speaker and Lieut.-Gen. Earle, our representa- tives in parliament.
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