Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



·or not, and if yea, how much, how long, and from what time. Carried in ;the affirmative. Ordered, that said Sir J. Jefferes be paid out of the public revenue for his quarters as Governor of Corke the sum of 10 pounds for one :year, commencing 8 Aug., inst., to be.paid half yearly. That the Chamberlain pay said J effryes 20 pounds, one year's allowance ~for and towards his house-rent for year ending 8 Aug., inst. That the Mayor give an entertainment on Monday next to Admiral Dilks and the captains of the fleet in the harbour of Cork; the Mayor to ·be allowed 10 pounds for the same out of the public revenue. That Admiral Dilks be presented with his freedom in a silver box, and the captains with their freedoms, but not in boxes. That Robt. Pellican, clothier, and Mr. Tho. Richardson, landwaiter, be sworn free gratis. That Mr. John Hodder and Mr. Robt. Goble, upon joyning their quays under the end of the South bridge, have all the timber that shall be taken away to make up the wall, except the piles, they filling up and paving the same at their own ·charges. Present-Mr. ·Mayor, Sher. Masters ; Alden. Allen, Chartres, Crone, Hoare, Renew, Love, Roberts, Goddard, Morris; Mr. Browne. 8 Sep., 1703. Agreed with Ald. Renew for lodgings in his house for Sir James Jeffreys, Knt., Governor of this City, for one year. Sir James to have the Alder- man's dining-room and the lodging-room to the East thereof furnished con- veniently for the Governor's appartment, and lodgings in the garret for one or two servants ; the Governor to have liberty to lock up the lodging- room, but not the dining-room, when he is not there; the Alderman to find him candles but not fire, in consideration whereof the Alderman to be paid 15 pounds out of the City revenue. Agreed, that Mr. Edmond Knapp, Mayor-elect, have for his sallary 200 pounds ster. That Mr. Edmond Molloy, Clerk, be admitted free. Agreed with Ald. J a.mes French, assignee to Ald. Wm. Ballard, for the

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