Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Forasmuch as upon raising the Militia of this City, an adjutant being necessary for instructing the men, which ought not to be at the charge of the Commission Officers as formerly, but at the public charge of the City, ordered, that such Adjutant be allowed ISli. 5s. for one year, to be paid quarterly, he bringing a certificate from the several captains of his due per- formance of his office. Present-lfr. liayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. N ewenham, Rogers, Chartres, Love, French, Roberts, Goddard, Aforris, lir. 'Vilis; l!r. Champion, Mr. Browne. 7 }lov., 1701. Ald. John Sealy elected one of the Common Council. Ordered, that the several gates of this City which have been made and repaired by the Corporation be forthwith put into repair with locks and keys, the two slteriffs and Jtfr. Browne to oversee the work ; and further, that what private gates have been made by particular persons be repaired at the charge of the respective persons, and the keys to be delivered to the Mayor, to be kept with the rest, that all the gates may be locked at the same hour, on pain of being walled up. That the Mayor be allowed 200 pounds for his sallary this present year. / That the Chamberlain's account for the year be audited by Aldeo. Love, Roberts, Chartres, Goddard, and Morris ; Air. Sher. Francklyn, lir. Tho. Browne, or any four of them. That brass bell-metal weights be provided and kept by the clerk of the market ; the old brass weights to be sold towards purchasing new ones. Present-Symon Dring, Esq., l!ayor, Joseph Francklyn, and Bernard Poey, Esq., Sheriffs; Alden. Chartres, Love, Alwin, Roberts, Goddard, Morris; Mr. J oa. Whiting, Common Speaker; Mr. Ronaine, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Wills, Mr. Champion, Mr. Browne. 28 Nov., 1701. Ordered, that the underwritten address be engrossed on parchment, the common seal affixed, and sent up this night's post to the Solicitor-General, by the llayor, to be by him presented to the Lord Lieutenant.

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