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That Christopher Harris, Tyler, be admitted into Skiddy's Alms-house, and receive his share of the allowance. Present-1\fr. Mayor, Sher. Allen; Alden. Newenham, Alwin, Rogers, Ballard, Chartres, Renew, French, Roberts, Goddard; Mr. Perrie, Mr. Browne. 23 Sep., 1700. Ordered, that part of the tobacco entered by Mr. Edwd. Browne be stopped for the payment of the petty duties due out of the whole. That the duties of the gates and markets of this City for ensueing year be put to cant on Thursday next. That a lease be made to Mr. Edward Webber of the small strip of grou~d, including the quay built out of the wall, adjoyning said Webber's holdings, and so eastward to the South Gaol, for a term of 61 years, at lOs. per annum. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Newenham, Wright, Crone, French, Roberts, Goddard; Mr. Ronaine, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Champion, 1\.fr. Browne. 27 Sep., 1700. Upon application of the Master, Wardens, and Company of Clothiers, ordered, that a charter be granted them under the Common Seal of this City, according to the draft delivered in by them, provided the Recorder under his hand signifies his approbation. That the Chamberlain, as soon as he has paid the money for the ground of the Barracks, do pay Sheriff Allen the money lent ·by him, and to the Widdow.Shereman, the money her father lent, delivering up their receipts. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Taylor; Alden. Wright, Alwin, Love, French, Roberts; Mr. Ronaine, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Champion, Mr. Browne. 12 June, 1701. Ald. Theophilus Morris is unanimously elected one of the Common Council of this City. Ordered, that an acquittance be sent under the City Seal for the year's rent due to Skiddy's Alms-house 25 March last, and be received by Mr. Thomas Browne, and paid by him to the use of said Alms-house.
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