Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


That the common ground without the East gate, being a very convenient place for a corn-market, be enclosed by a wall between it and the ground of John Haman, in order to be filled up. That Mr. Perrie and };Ir. Browne call upon Ald. Dullard for the debenture he has for money lent to Col. Hastings, to have same assigned to the Cor- poration. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mayor Elect, both Sheriffs, AlJen. N ewenham, Wright, Crofts, French, Goddard, Roberts, Crone, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Champion, Mr. Browne. 22 Aug., 1700. Upon debate touching the Irish shopkeepers, resolved, that the power granted the Corporation by the Charter for seizing of all goods sold by retail by such as are not freemen, and disposing of them to tha use of the . Corporation, be put in execution. Upon dispute touching the herring fishing within the harbour of the City, resolved, that the presentment made at a special sessions held the . . . day of ..• in the year •... be put in execution, and if any person shall act contrary thereto, he be proceeded against according to such presentment, and if occasion be to alter the rules, that the justices may call a special sessions and lay the former presentment before the Jury. It was carried that the Mayor Elect shall have only 100 pounds sallary. That Richard Thackham, James Bowdrum, George Thomas, and llary Dowde, being poor ancient people, inhabitants of this City, each of the age of 50 years and upwards, be taken into Skyddymore's Alms-house, in the North Suburbs, and be allowed 40s. per annum, according to the will of the founder. Present-~Ir~ Mayor, Mr. Recorder, both Sheriffs; Alden. Newenham, Wright, Hoare, Chartres, Roberts, Goddard_; ~1r. Perrie, Mr. Browne, :Mr. Champion.. 13 Sep., 1700. That George, son of Edward Bennett, of this City, 1\fercht., paying 6li. lOs., be admitted free, and his oath dispensed with. 3()-2

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