Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



clean. Ordered, that Darby Galey bo imployed, Ald. Rogers undertaking that he shall perform the work and carry away the dirt twice a week, viz., on Mondays and Thursdays, out of the great street and lanes where he can carry his cart, and that 10 pounds be allowed for one year from the Corpo- ration for same. That the Chamberlain pay ~fr. Walker 7 guineas for our Charter produced by him, which has been wanting many years. That Ald. French's cost in going up to the Parliament, being 20li. Gs. 4d., also one guinea to Thos. Poge, who went with him, be paid by the Cham- berlain. That Thos. Browne's account, being 33li. 7s. 6d., by him charged in our defence before Parliament, be paid by the Chamberlain, besides ten pounds paid the Recorder towards his sallary, for which he has his receipt. . That no duty be taken out of faggots or turf growing or cut within the liberties. That from Christmas next gateage from foreigners be taken on account of the Corporation until ~Iichrelmas following, and that ~Ir. 1.fayor agree with Pierce Goold, or any other person, for a certain sum of money, or so much in the pound, for the due receiving the same, to be accounted for on oath. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Newenham, Wright, Rogers, Alwin, Crofts, Crone, Hovell, Renue, Love, French; M.r. Walker, Mr, I>erry, Mr. Terry, Mr. Wills, Mr. Browne. 27 Jan., 1697. Ordered, that the Chamberlain pay Ald. French out of the City revenue for the hogshead of wine given the government. That Wm. Masters, accounting with the Chamberlain for three months, viz., from Michrelmas last to Christmas last, and paying the money due on his and Pierce Goold's bonds for the gateage unto the time the Chamberlain deliver them up all their bonds on that account, and that the gateage be publickly set to cant in the Guildhall, and notice given that whosoever shall take the same shall be ob~ed to take Wm. Masters and Pierce 34

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