That Dr. Edward Whittnall be presented with his freedom. That John Goodman be sworn free, as serving the Mayor his apprentice- shipp. That Edwd. [sic] be admitted free as the Mayor's freeman. That John Cocker, paying 20 pounds for the Waterbailiff's place, enjoy same for ensueing year giving good security. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Morris; A!Jen. Newenham, Rogers, Alwin, Crofts, Crone, Hovell, Mr. Mayor elect; Mr. Walker, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Terry, Mr. Browne. 21 Sep., 1697. Put to the vote, whether the Gateage be continued on the freemen for the ensueing year, the Corporation being not yet out of debt. Carrieu in the affirmative. The same to be publickly set to cant in the Guildhall on Thursday next, public notice to be given by the Bellman. Ordered, that the Mayor's perquisites out of the herring fishery of this harbour be received by James French, Esq., pr6sent Mayor, until Christmas next, and by the next Mayor until Christmas following, and so successively to the ensueing Mayors. That Mr. Thomas Browne be appointed Agent to solicit the business of this Corporation in Dublin in reference to the petition against us now be- fore Parliament in relation to the gateage continued on the freemen, and that he be supplied with reasonable sums of money from time to time, and for defraying his own travelling expenses he be allowed ten shillings per diem from his departure till his return. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mayor elect, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Newenham, , Wright, Rogers, Alwin, Ballard, Crone, Hovell, Renue; Mr. Perry, Mr. Wills, Mr. Browne. \ 22 Nov., 1697. Ordered, that Mr. Tho. Browne and Mr. John Browne receive reasonable satisfaction from this Corporation for their trouble in going to Dublin, to make defence before the house of Commons against the petitioners about the gateage on freemen. That Tho. Mough, Rob. Unkles, Geo. Daniel, Rich. Armstrong, Tho. Sky,
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