Ordered, that Thomas Skye be admitted free for the fine of five pounds. Samuel :\Iassy do. for fiue of five guineas. Micha~l Price and Ben. Ashton do., fine of one guinea each. John Buchanan do. fll'af is. Allen Andrews do., having served Xicholas Green, freeman. Thomas Dayos do., on producing his indentures before the Mayor, or if he fail, to pay one guinea. That a rough draft of a Charter and bye-laws for the Society of Butchers be drawn, to be perused by the next Council. Present-~Ir. liayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. N ewenham, "'"right, Crofts, Renew, Ballard, Crone ; l\Ir. Ronaine, Mr. ",.alker, l\Ir. Pcrrie, Mr. Browne, !Ir. Roberts. 13 Jl<O'Cli, 1G93. Ordered, that John Taylor, J tm., paying two guineas be admitted free. Present-lli. l\Iayor, l\Ir. Recorder, both Sheriffs; Alden. Alwin, Hogers, Crofts, Hoare, Crone, Hovell, Chartres; l\Ir. Ronaine, !\Ir. "'"alker, l\Ir. I>errie, lir. Terrie,~ Mr. Champion, Mr. Browne, l\Ir. Roberts. 27 April, 1G96. Put to the vote, whether Connor Callaghane, on his proposal, shall hold the Lands of Drumcummer for 21 years. Ordered, that he have a lease for 21 years at the following rent: 25 pounds for the first three years, 30 pounds per annum for remaining part of the term, Callaghane to pay quit rents all the term, and to build a house worth 20 pounds, and plant an Orchard on the premises, and if any overplus acres more than 200 be found out, he is to pay at the rate of 3s. per acre. This order is respited until Ald. Hovell, who is going where the land lies, shall return and give an account of the same. Ordered, that Ald. Newenham pay one half of what rent is due from him to this Corporation unto the Chamberlain, the other to remain in said Newenham's hands, in part payment o(money formerly lent by him to this Corporation, until his debt be paid. That the Chamberlain pay unto our Recorder 52 pounds ster., two years'" sallary, the next payment to be made untQ Mr. Lukey to dischal"'tie his boud.
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