Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


8 }{uv., 1G95. Whereas great inconvenience happens for want of recourse unto procla- mations that from time to t.ime come down from the Government, orueretl, that for the future one proclamation of each be lOllged in the Town Clerk's offices, whereunto recourse may be had. That notwithstanding last order, none shall enjoy the benefit of their freedom until the Michaelmas after they are sworn. That the person who ~Ir. 1\Iayor shall propose as his Freeman, shall be approved of by this Council and enjoy his freedom immediately from his swearmg. Present-:Mr. :Mayor; Sheriff Knapp; Alden. Newenham, Alwin,Hovell; 1\Ir. 'Valker, Mr. Perrie, ~Ir. Terry, 1\fr. Champion, 1\Ir. Browne, ~Ir. HuLerts. 16 J.Yov., 1Ga5. Ordered, that the answer now read in Council be sent under cover to 1\Ir. Richardson, to be given to Baron Wurth, and that 1Vfr. Hichardson havu ortler to entertain and fee the Attorney-General an!l Solicitor-General in the business between us and Baron 'Vorth, in relation to S. Stephen's Hospital. That Richard Pike be admitted free paying 6 guineas. Whereas for decency every Alderman of this City ought to have a scarlet gown, and every Burgess a black gown upon occasions to wait on the 1\Iayor, and the Sword and 1\faces, and as many of our Aldermen and Burgesses want gowns, It is ordered, by consent of the whole Council, that every Alderman and Burgess of this Corporation by the next Assizes furnish themselves with proper gowns, or if they refuse, on a penalty of 40 shillings for every default upon every public and solemn occasion whereon it shall appear they were summoned. That the business of the Bakers be wholly left to the Mayor, t.o act as he shall think convenient in settling the quarterage on several persons exer- cising the trade of Bakeing, not free of the company, and to regulate other matters appertaining to same. Present-1\fr. 1\layor; Sheriff Knapp; Alden. Neweuham, Crofts, BaJlard Croue, Rovcll, Tieuew; 1\fr. Rouane, :\Ir. " ..alker, l\!r. TeiTy, ::\Ir. Browne. ·•·) '> .., __ _

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