The above persons, to the number of 19, 1vere sworn as they are num- bered. Present-Sam!. Love, Esq., Mayor; Jonathan Tresilian, Vic.; Sr.l\1athew Deane; Alden. 'Vright, Ahvin, Crofts, Hoare; l\1r. Ronaine, Mr. Walker, Mr. Perry, Mr. Terry, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Browne. 11 Oct., 1695. Ordered, that Mr. Thomas Browne draw a letter for the Mayor to sign to send this post to Ald. Rogers in answer to his letter about the butchers, sig- nifying the great charge we be under f~r pontage and murage, which cannot be sustained but by way of Gateage on Freemen, and that it ought to cnn- tinue if the butchers complain. On petition against us, we will make de- fence to the utmost of our power, having ancient custom and practice for above 80 years to warrant us herein. Present-:Mr. Mayor; Sheriff Tresilian; Alden. Newenham, Crone, Hovell; Mr. Walker, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Terry, Mr. Champion, Mr. Browne, Mr. Roberts. 30 Oct., 1695. Ordered, that the Mayor, Sheriffs, Ald. Rogel's, Ald. Ballard, and Mr. Tho. Browne, or any three of them, shall meet about getting the money due from Col. Hastings and other Regiments to this Corporation, and make such ap- plication for recovery of same as they think fit. That the rent due unto the Corporation from those that hold the Spittle lands be got and lodged in the Mayor's hands, the Chamberlain not to in- termeddle therein. That for the future all persons sworn free of this Corporation shall enjoy it no longer than they shall reside in the City, their freedom to commence from the M.ichs. following their being sworn. The Town Clerk to enter the same in their certificate. That Christopher Tuttwell be admitted free during residence, paying 10 guineas. That Ebenezer Pike be allowed his freedom do. paying 5 guineas. Present-Mr. Mayor; Edmond Knap, Esq., Sher.; Sheriff Tresilian; Sr. Math. Deane; Alden. N ewenham, Rogers, Crofts, Ballard, Crone; Mr. Ro- naine, Mr. Walker, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Teny, Mr. Champion, Mr. Roberts.
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