11 Feb., 1694. Ordered, that Ald. Newenham have liberty to build over the passage that is to be by him left next the Fish Shambles, according to order of Council of 11 May, 1694. That Mr. Thomas Browne be employed to recover the money from the administrators of Ald. Rye, on account of the Alms-house, received in London by Ald. Rye. That the money lodged in Ald. Roger's hands of new-made freemen be expended towards throwing an arch over the river where the Shambles Stood, and rebuilding same; and that Ald. Rogers be authorized to do the same. Present-The Mayor, both Sheriffs, Alden, N ewenham, Rogers, Alwin, Crofts, Ballard, Crone, Hovell; Mr. Walker, Mr. Perrye, Mr. Terry, Mr. Roberts. 8 April, 1695. Ordered, that what shall be expended about the walls of this City in new work, and mending the old, be out of the Public revenue of the City, and forthwith to begin the work. That Martin Boobier be paid the interest of his money, being 60 pounds, out of the first money that shall come into the Chamberlain's hands. That Ald. Hovell, the late Mayor, and late Sheriffs, be repaid out of the City revenue the charge they have been at in maintaining tile jurisdiction of this Court in the business of the Habeas Corpus brought by John Wine, on which a tipstaff came down and served on them the order of Court ofKing's bench. That the present M-ayor be repaid the charge he was put to in the time of his Sherivalty for quartering on Mr. James French and others. On Mr. Thomas Browne's producing his approbation from the Lords Jus- tices and Council for being Town Clerk and Clerk of the Crown and Peace of this City, dated 8 Feb., 1694, Ordered, he be sworn into said employes, and have the City seal during his life, making good unto Mr. W. Ronaine his time in said offices yet unexpired by a former grant from Mr. Farren, pro- vided said Browne shall live so long, and if Browne die, then we confirm unto Ronaine the time unexpired. Said Browne, as Farren before him, to give his bond for ten pounds per annum to this Corporation, during the continuance of his grant.
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