Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


24 Jan., 1694. Robert Fz. Gerrald, Esq., was adnlitted a freeman. Deane Davis was admitted a freeman at the Mayor's pleasure. John Hamon was admitted free paying ten pounrls. Ordered, that 20s. per annum laid on William End's freedom be taken off. Phil Raymond is admitted free, having served his apprenticeship to Abraham Morris. Put to the vote, whether all goods sold in shops shall be accounted re- tailing or not, and whether all retailers not qualified shall have their shops suppressed. Carried, that said shops be suppressed. Ordered, that a letter be drawn to the Rewrder, and another to Baron .Worth, from this Corporation, to declare what trust is in him in relation to the lands belonging to S. Stephen's Hospital, and as Mr. Thomas Browne is well acquainted with the business, that he draw the letters and manage same. Whereas Mr. Thoma.~ Browne hath purchased the offices of Common Clerk and Clerk of the Crown and Peace of this City from Mr. Thomas Farren, Ordered, that said Browne be admitted Town Clerk and enjoy said offices during life, saving unto Mr. William Ronaine, present incumbent, his right during residue of his tenn, as by his .grant from Farren may appear. Present-The Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Rogers, Alwin, Webber, Bal- lard, Crone, Hovell ; Mr. Walker, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Roberts. 29 Jan., 1694. Put to the vote, whether an address from this City shall be made to his Majesty, and whether it shall be the same, copy whereof is sent unto us by the Recorder. Carried, that it be sent to the Recorder, to be by him sent to his brother Tho., now in London, to be presented. · Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Rogers, Alwin, Ballard, Crone, Hovel, Mr. Walker, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Roberts. 4 Feb., 1694. Richard Harris, the Town Major, on his petition is admitted free. . Pr~ent,-Mr. Mayor; Sher. Goddard; Alden. Rogers, Webber, Tucky, Crone, Hovell; Mr. Ronaine, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Terry, Mr. Roberts. 31

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