Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



late act of Parliament made in Englan~ intituled u An Act for taking away the oath of allegiance and supremacy in Ireland and appointing other oaths." Ordered, that Ald. Ballard and Ald. Crone have power to treat with such persons that shall have interest to recover the money due to this Corpora- tion from Col. Hastings' regiment, not to put the City to any charge until money recovered, then to promise a reward to him or them not exceeding one hundred pounds. Ordered, that the persons appointed by the Master and Wardens of the Society of Wholesale and Retayling Merchants of this City, for seizing goods exposed to sale against the Bye-laws of their Charter, have power under the City seal to act. That the Spittle lands be set to cant publickly on Tuesday'next, at 10 in the morning, for term of seven years, to commence 25 March next. The time for canting prolonged till first Court-day after Christmas. That John Browne have eight pounds for quartering Sir Richd. Cox from Aug., 1691, to Sept. following. It is the opinion of the Council, and their advice to the Sheriffs, that t.he best way to prevent giving out more Billets than 10 will pTevent the abuse that all along by means thereof has been laid on the Inhabitants of this City, will be their quartering by name, according to the proclamation, and to give notice that no person give money to soldiers, but find them quarters at home or abroad. Ordered that William Murry, paying 20s., be admitted a freeman. Whereas some ease ought to be had to the members of the Common • Council, according to the custom of other places, in consideration of their constant attendance. Ordered, that each member of the Council be eased of quartering soldiers, and such as have soldiers now on them are to have them taken off, unto which the Sheriffs have agreed. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Dunscombe, N ewenham, Wright, Tucky, Crofts, Ballard, Crone, Hovell; Mr. Ronaine, Mr. Perrie ' 1\Ir. Roberts.

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