Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Present-Mr. 1\Iayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Dunscombe, Newenham, Alwin, Rogers, Crofts, " rebber, Hoare, Wright, Ballard, Crone, Hovell; 1\Ir. Ronaine, 1\fr. \Valker, Mr. Terry, 1\fr. Roberts. 6 Nov., 1694. Ordered that J os. Porter be admitted free on his petition, paying 40s. Whereas several petitions are from time to time laid before this board, for making freemen, and orders of Council entered and nothing done. Ordered, that if any person shall petition for the future for his freedom, and have his fine laid on, and he neglect in 14 days to embrace same and be sworn, then the ()rder be void. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Newenham, Mills, Tuckey, Rogers, Goddard, Hovell, Crone ; 1\fr. Walker, Mr. Terry, Mr. Roberts. 26 Nov., 1694. Being put to the vote what fine John Dennis should pay for his freedom, ordered that he be admitted paying 10 pounds. Ordered, that Mich. Ends' lOs. per annum for his freedom be taken off for ever. That John Nash, W m· Nash, and George Woods, Taylor, be admitted free gratis. That Richd. Brockelsby, paying his composition-money unto Michelmas last, as also 40s., be allowed his freedom and the composition-money quite taken off. Present-The Mayor; both Sheriffs; Alden. Dunscombe, Newenham, Rogers, Alwin, Crofts, Ballard; Mr. Terry, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Ronaine. 18 Dec., 1694. Whereas thirteen has been appointed to be the quorum of this Council, which number appearing by experience to be too many, ordered, that for the future eleven of the Council appearing shall be esteemed a full Council That for the future no person be admitted free of this City, or of any Society of this Corporation, until he shall take the oaths mentioned in a

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