above retailers, time be given them unto Michrelmas to dispose of their goods; if they shall give assurance under hand not to roll or sell tobacco or other goods until the difference likely to arise between them and the Society of Wholesale and Retayling Merchants of this City be decided by law, shall have time until 1 Nov. next, exclusive of those. who do not give such assu- rance. Put to the vote, whether liberty shall be granted to the inhabitants of the East Marsh of this City, at their own cost, to build a bridge from said Marsh over to the Key called Roberts' Key, or otherwise known by the name of Kearle's Key. Ordered, that same be done at the expense of those who please to con- tribute and keep same in repair without charge to the Corporation, and that there be a draw-bridge made to let boats and ships pass in and out. Whereas Ald. Newenham formerly had liberty to throw a bridge over the river to the Fish Shambles, which he has done, and as in said order it is not mentioned that he shall have a passage to the bridge granted him, it is now ordered that the passage be mentioned in the lease. That the gateage of the City be continued for the ensueing year on the Freemen, the great debts of the Corporation requiring same, and that it be set to cant the Thursday before Mich-day. That George Beighton be admitted a freeman paying 40s. Present-Mr. Mayor, the Mayor elect, Mr. Recorder, both Sheriffs ; .Alden. Duuscombe, Newenham, Rogers, Webber, Wright, Hoare, Ballard, Mr. Walker, Mr. Perry, Mr. Terry. 11 Oct., 1694. Whereas for want of an appearance of 13, the quorum of this Council, Councils have before this, and will probably hereafter have to be put by. Ordered, that in the room of Ald. Bayly, of Castlemore, who is very ancient and decrepit, and never likely to appear at this board, and the room of Ald. Bayly, Jun., who lives in England, until he shall return, that Mr. John Champion and Jt-Ir. William Roberts be sworn two of the Council of this City.
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