Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


That a paper be publickly affixed upon the \Valke, to signify that the Corporation is willing to receive proposals for the building of the Sham- bles, and that Ald. Crone, Ald. Ballard, Sher. }4'rench, l\Ia·. Pcrrie, or any two of them, receive the proposals. Put to the vote, whether \Vm. Boyle, on his petition, be admitted free. Carried in the affirmative, Juring his residence, he paying 5 pouwl:i. Bartholomew Lenane, likewise on his petition, admitted paying 20s. That Ald. DunscomLe, Ald. Ballard, and Sher. French, or any two of them, view the ground by the Fish ShamLles, and report whether same ought to be set ~ lease, and on what terms. Whereas Thomas Farren, Esq., by special grace of this Corporation, hath been admitted Common Clerk and Clerk of the Crown and Peace of this City (offices of great trust and confidence), which he enjoyed by himself or deputy for several years; and whereas said Farren, contrary to his oath of a freeman (by which he is obliged to uphold the ancient rights of this Corporation), hath endeavoured to destroy the same, in this particularly, that contrary to law, for a contract made within this City, he hath issued forth an Admiralty warran,t, signed with his own hand, by colour whereof he hath caused John Spread, Jun., merchant, citizen and freeman of this place, to be arrested in the very body of this City by an officPr of said Admiralty ; and whereas \Vm. Hovell, Esq., ltfayor, regarding the oath imposed on him on his admission to the magistracy to oppose all unjust innovations, &c., and at the request of said Spread, to do him justice, did order him to Le discharged from said arrest (but still so as to be ready to answer the com- plaints in any court of law), of which said Farren had notice given him Ly our Recorder, that for the future he should forbear such illegal practices. Nevertheless, said Farren, to show his implacable malice in subversion of our liberties, hath caused the Mayor to be served with a letter from the high Court of Admiralty to appear in Dublin, we conceive it a high breach of trust in Farren, and forfeiture of the employ he now holds under this Corporation. Onlered, that he be served with a copy of this order, to appear at our next Council, on Friday, 11 inst., at the ~fayor's house, be- tween 3 and 4 in the afternoon, to show cause why the City shoul4 not proceed upon the election of another officer in his room. 30

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