Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



encroaching on our liberties to be toties quoties committed for their offence,. until they enter sufficient security to answer same according to law. Whereas a difference hath lately happened between William Heaslip, of this City, butcher, and Ensign Purdon, in Col. Coot's regt., and on discours- ing the matter before the J\.fayor, said Purdon behaved very irreverently and rudely after the Mayor's decision of the matter, violently and barba- rously to fall upon and beat said Heaslip, ordered, that a letter be written to the Recorder for a petition to be laid before the Lords Justices represent- ing the whole matter, and praying relief. Present--Mr. Mayor; Alden. Dunscombe, Newenham, Alwin, Webber, Crofts, Crone; Sher. French, Mr. Walker, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Terry, Mr:Wills. 22 March, 1693. Ordered, that Councillor James Walsh be admitted a member and free- man of this Corporation, to be sworn at the Mayor's pleasure. Present-The Mayor ; Alden: Dunscombe, Newenham, Rogers, Crone; Sher. French, Sher. Dring, Mr. Perrie, Mr. Terry. 9 May, 1694. Put this day to the vote, whether Mr. Thomas Farren, Town Clerke of this City, shall be summoned to appear before this Council to show cause why he hath infringed the priviledges and jurisdiction of this City in maintaining the pretended right of the Admiralty against the ancient jurisdiction of this City. Ordered, that William Ronaine, Clerk of the Council, draw a summons for him to appear before us this day sevennight, . to show cause for his proceeding in this manner, to the utter betraying and ruining the liberties and priviledges of this Corporation. Whereas the 100 pounds formerly raised for the building the City Court- house will come short of perfecting the work according to the intimation given us by John Hathway and Matthias Smyth, overseers of said work, and for the speedy raising more money for carrying on the work, it is the opinion of this Council that the 1\1ayor, &c., be desired to call a special sessions for raising money, so the season of the year fit for building may not be let slip. ·-----

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