Present-The ~:!ayor, the ~Iayor elect, Sr. Math. Deane; Alden. N ewen- ham, Wright, Crofts : Sher. 'Vhit.eing, ~Ir. Ronaine, ~Ir. 'Vilis, Alden. Rogers, Allwinn, Crone. 25 Sep., 1693. Put this day to the vote, whether Gateage shall be continued on the Free- nlen of this town for the ensuing year or not. Carried in the affirmative by the whole Council, Mr. Wm. Hovell, the ~Iayor elect, excepted, the great necessities of the Corporation requiring the same; and that on Thursday next the Gateage and Waterbailiff's place be set to cant in the Court-house, and that 100 pounds hereof be paid to the ~:!ayor for the year ensueing, quarterly to be paid. Present-The ~fayor, the ~fayor elect; Alden. N ewenham, Tuckey, All- win ; Sher. Whiteing; ~fr. Perrie, ~Ir. Terry, Mr. 'Vilis, Mr. Walker; Alden. Crone, Wright, Crofts; }.fr. Ronaine, Ald. Rogers, Ald. Dunscombe. 26 Sep., 1693. Ordered, that Mr. Lumly have the City seal impowering him to receive the petty Customs, to be accountable to the Corporation for same. By the consent of the whole Council present, they grant it reasonable that whereas the Aldermen pay 20s. apiece towards building the gallery in Christ Church, and 13s. 4d. from the Burgesses, that when a Parish Church is built in St. Mary Shandon, the same proportion be allowed. Ald. Hoare to be allowed 2 guineas for like sum paid by him for taking out the confirmation of Ald. Ballard in his mayoralty, Oct., 1687. That the overplus of the money for the Gateage and Waterbailiff's place, according to the cant (allowing the Mayor 100 pounds for his year of Mayoralty), be applied towards the payment of money lent by s~veral mem- bers of this Corporation towards subsisting the Army since the reduction of this town. That as an order of Council has been lately conceived in favour of Peter Hooper for making him a freeman paying 208., and as he neglected to take out same, undervaluing the favour granted, ordered, that he take it out by Saturday next, or the order be void. That the freemen for the ensueing year shall pay but 2 pence, all foreig~ers 4d. (according to the ancient docket), for beefe.
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