Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


That the 1\fayor, Alden. Newenham, Rogers, Ballard, and SheriffWhiteing, or any two of them, with the Mayor, have power to treat with the Quakers about their toleration of freedom, and they are not to take less than 10 pounds ster. fine and 40s. per annum at least. Present-The Mayor; Alden. N ewenham, Rogers, Crofts, Bayly, Ballard, Crone; Sher. Whiteing, Sher. Slocomb, Mr. Ronaine, Mr. \Valker, Mr. Perri e. 3 July, 1693. On 1\fr. Hovell, the Mayor elect, refusing to nominate one to be put in ele(l.tion for Sheriff of this City, according to the ancient custom, ordered, that the present Mayor put in a fit person to be on the election for Sheriff, the Mayor elect refusing to do the same. Present-The Mayor, Sr. Math. Deane; Alden. Dunscombe, Newenham, 'Vright, Tuckey, Allwinn, Bayly, Hoare, Ballard, Crone; Sher. Whiteing, Sher. Slocomb, Mr. Ronaine, Mr. Hovell. 17 Aug., 1693. Ordered, that what money Ald. Rogers hath now 1n hand, belonging to the Almes House of this City, or what he shall receive, shall be laid out in building the same, and that Dr. Neale, Alden. Dunscombe, Newenham, Crofts, and Mr. Ronaine be overseers of said work, or any two of them meet- ing may conclude upon what they think convenient for building same. That Mr. Finch, paying Mr. Renue by Mich. next, his disbursements laid . out on the stone wall at the end of said Finche's house, shall have a lease of 21 or 31 years of same, at the rent of lOs. per annum, or, on Finche's refusal, Mr. Renue to have a lease of same at lOs. per annum. That Mr. End paying 20s. per annum and 10 pounds fine, and Michrel End lOs. per ann. and 10 pounds fine, be admitted the Tolleration of Free- dom. · That Mr. John Browne have a fee farm lease of the Turret on the walls at the end of his garden. That James Benkire, Ebenezer Wily, John Smyth and Wm. Softloe be admitted free paying 5 guineas apiece. That Bartholomew Lenant paying 2 guineas, and Peter Hooper 20s., be admitted freemen.

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