Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Mr. Thomas Spread was sworn a freeman paying 5 pounds. Like order for Theophilus ~!orris paying 5 pounds. That the 1\fayor receive the Petty duties from Mr. Lumly, for year com- mencing Mich. last. That the Collector have his Freedom presented in a silver box. That Wm. Softloe have his Freedom paying 10 pounds. Whereas this Corporation is indebted to the Recoruer two years and a half sallary, ordered, that he have the first year paid him after uischarge all precedent orders before this time, and if no order on any pa1ticula.r branch of the City revenues be made hereafter, so as to cut him off until he be paid. Present-The :M:ayor, Recorder ; Alden. Wright, Crofts; Sher. 'Vhiteing, Mr. Ronaine, 1\lr. Walker, Mr. Perrie; Alden. Crone, Allwin, Baily, Ballard, Dunscombe; :Mr. Hovel!, Ald. Newenham, AlJ. Weoher. 19 June, 1G93. Ordered, that what money shall be raised for making freemen be applieJ only towards rebwlding the Shambles, and that the money so raisJd be paiJ into the hands of Ald. Newenham, Ald. Rogers, AlJ. Ballard, or either of them. That the first money that shall become due from Ald. Newenham be applied towards paying the interest due unto 1\fr. Luky, to be paid unto Ald. Crone for same use. That every Alderman pay 20s., and every burgess 13s. 4d., towards builuing the Gallery in Christ Church. That Henry Whedon be admitted the Mayor's freeman. That Wm. Softloe and wm. Cockrell be admitted freemen, paymg 10 pounds, and John Davis paying 5 pounds. Present-The Mayor; Alden. Newenham, Rogers, Bayly, Crofts, Ballard, Crone; Sher. Whiteing, 1\.fr. Pat. Ronaine, _1\fr. Walker, Ald. Tuckey, Sr. Math. Deane, Mr. Perrie. 29 June, 1693. Ordered, that John Youde be admitted free paying 20s. ; John Smyth, chandler, paying 5 pounds, and ww. Cockrell's fine be reduced to 5 guinea~· That Garrett Barry be admitted free paying 40s. 29--2

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