Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


cannot find for him, since the great ruin and devastations made here in the late troubles, and the present scarcity and dearness of good houses. That whereas Daniel Crone, Esq., Mayor of Corke, and Ald. William Bal- lard, late Mayor thereof, have with others advanced to Col. Hastings, for the subsistance of his regiment in this garrisson, the sum of 780 pounds ster., which sum is still unpaid, notwithstanding several petitions made to the Lords Justices of Ireland, wherefore, for recovery of said money, humble petition be made to their Majesties King William and Queen l\fary and their Majesties Most Hon. Privy Council of England, the charges to be out of the revenue of this City. That the ten pounds per annum formerly abated unto l\fr. William Ro- naine for the town Clerk's place during the troublesome times, do commence again next Michrelmas. That Mr. William Chartres, Mayor elect, have 200 pounds ster. allowed him towards maintaining his table, and for his sallary. That for the future no Mayor of Cork shall have any more allowed him for his sallary than 100 pounds ster., and no public feast to be expected from him. It appears by the Auditors of Ald. Ballard's accompts of disbursements during the year of his Maioralty, that there is 'due to him the sum of 58li. 6s. 1d. Ordered, that it be repaid him out of the first public moneys, and he in the meantime to have the City seal for his security. That the chimney of the Alms-houses be carried up by Ald. Rogers, he to be allowed for same out of the money of said alms-house remaining in his hands for that purpose, and half the pinninend to be built on the Alms- house ground. That the gateage of the City be continued this year on the freemen, the necessities of the Corporation requiring the same. That Ald. Newenham have a lease for 199 years for 44 feet in length of the ground of the mill pond eastward from his stable, and of the breadth of his stable, at a rent of 5s. l}d. per year. Present-Dan. Crone, Mayor; Alden. Newenham, Mills, Rogers, Wright, Crofts, Webber, Ballard; Sher. Love, Mr. Tho. Walker, William Hovell, William Chartres, Mayor elect ; Sher. Renue.

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