the date of this order the remainder of the moneys remaining upon their several accompts, and if they, or any of them, shall fail of payment within ten days from the date of this order to Sr. "\Villiam Usher, Knt., William Plunkett, Esq., and V allerian "\Veslie, or to some of them, a sum- mons is to issue, directed to the Serjeant at Arms, against the delinquent, and if said moneys be uot paid within ten days after serving said summons, then attachments are to issue, to be directed to the Serjeant at Arms, against such as shall then be in default, if the said moneys be not paid within xx days, which attachments are to be now signed, and to remain in the Clerk's hands until said xx days be passed, then to issue forthwith. Copia vera. Ex. cP· PHILL. . FER~SLEY, Uler. dom. Com. 2 A U!J., 1641. Whereas a general complaint has been made from all parts of this Kingdom, that the several Collectors, &c., appointed for receiving the six entire subsidies, and of the first of the four entire subsidies granted this present parliament, but also his Majies. Composition Money, and all other levies, &c., which have been taxed and collected within the several Cour1ties, Parishes, Citties, or Corporations within this Kingdome, for a.ny puLlic use, have not yet been fully accounted for; and also, whereas several persons have, under colour of said authorities, received divers great sums of money over and above the sums contained in their several warrants: It is ordered that the Justices of the Peace, and other Prime gentlemen of every County within this Kingdom, or any two or more of them, and the Mayor, or other chief officer, &c., of every City, are appointed to call before them such collectors with all convenient speed, to account for such sums of money by them levied, &c.; and what sum shall be found due shall be paid into the hands of the forenamed persons, with such damage as they shall think fit, to Le employed to such public use as said several counties, cities, and towns shall think fit, and said persons shall, within two mont~s, after next general assizes, make due return to. this house, in writing, of their proceedings. And if any collector refuse to account before any two' of the persons aforesaid, or refuse to pay such moneys found due of them, then they make return to this house of such delinquents, that order may be taken against them, as unto the justice of this house appertaineth. Copia vera. Ex. p. PBILL. FERENSLEY, Cle. dom. Com. 26
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