Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



28 July, 1641.

John Corbally do. paying 30s. Philip Roche fz. John do. paying four nobles. 30 July, 1641. Patrick Thyrry fz. Patrick do. paying 15s.

James Morrough fz. Edmond, Francis Morrough, Christopher Morroughe, and James Morrough fz. Thomas, do. P-aying 6s. 8d., which sum hath been allowed unto Edmond Morrough upon an old ticket, so there remaineth no more due of said ticket, 2li. l5s. 8d. as yet. 6 Aug., 1641. James Gould fz. Richard and James Kearny were sworne freemen paying 4 nobles apiece. 7 Aug., 1641. Whereas the sum of 146li. 3s. ster. was lately charged upon the Province of Munster by an order of this house dated 5 Aug., 1641, over and above what the said Province payed formerly for the charges of the Committee of the Lords and Commons in England. It is this day ordered that the said sum of 146li. 3s. ster. shall be subdivided and applotted upon the. several underwritten Counties and Cities of said Province, in manner as following, and leavied accordingly :

xxxvili. iiis. xli. xxli. xli. xviili. viiili. xvli. xxxli. Copia vera. Ex. i>· PRILL. FERNSLEY, Cle. dom. Com.

County of Corcke ............................. . Cit tie of Corcke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . County of Limericke........................... Cittie of Limericke .......................... . County of Waterford........................... Cittie of Waterford .......................... . County of Kerry ............................. . County of Tipperary.......................... .



5 Aug., 1641. It is ordered that the Sheriffs and other head Collectors of the several Counties of this Kingdom, for the collecting and applotting of the Com- mittee of the Lords and Commons money, shall pay, within ten days after

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