from them, at the most, for such casualties as happen within their liberties from time to time, which commonly are small or none, and that we and our Royal ancestors have been pleased, as well in our principality of Wales as in our kingdom of Ireland, for the ease and benefit of our loyal subjects in the cities which are made counties, to command that the sheriffs of said cities should account yearly before the Auditors or Commissioners at home, and not be driven to that unnecessary charge in our Exchequer ; in which regard they have been humble suitors unto us for the like favour. And as our said City of Corcke is fiftie miles at the least farther from Dublin than some other cities in that our kingdom which have the same grace gTanted to them, we therefore, regarding the many good services. heretofore per- formed by the said City to our Crown, and for the ·encouragement of obedience, &c., and with the advice of our Lords of the Privy Council, &c., to whom we referred the consideration of their request, are pleased, and do hereby require, that you appoint auditors from time to time to take the accompts of the Sheriffs of our said City of Corcke at Corcke yearly, not- withstanding that it is not yet so provided by their Charter, and that you reduce their fees yearly to such a sum as, by directions from our Lords of the Privy Council, the Sheriffs of our City of Waterford are ordered to pay, by order bearing date Michoolmas, 1629, and further, you cause our order to be made known, as every officer of our Exchequer, and may take notice of it, and also cause our directions to be enrolled in the Exchequer, for the further benefit of our Sheriffs of our City of Cork. And these our letters shall be as well unto you, our Chief Baron, and the rest. Dated at Nonesuch, 25 July, 1630. 8 Sep., 1630. Copia vera. R. RICKHAM. 5 Oct., 1640. Mem. Curioo Civ. Corcke, tempore Milcheri Lavallyne, Ar. Maioris. Georgii Thirry fz. Wm. et Philippi Martell fz. Edmond, Vicecomit. ejusdem Civitatis. 12 Oct., 1640. Thomas Goold, Esq., sworn Reeorder. George Tirry, Esq., one of the Sheriffs, sworn Chamberlain. Morish Roche fz. Patrick, Common Speaker.
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