of his Lop's. command, though we know that the word mentioned in his Maj. Charter to be ample touching said place, and n~t determinable before· us, as we conceive him opposed to said Corporation touching said place. And at the request of the Mayor, &c., we do order that their claim be entered by the Clerk of the Crown in the Crown Book of this City, to the end they may have a copy thereof under his hand for future age, that thereby, if it be their right, the executing of the place by said Pierce fz. Gerrald this ass1zes be in no way prejudicial to their grant from his Majesty. Ex. .p. FITZ GERRALD deputat. Clerici Cororue. Intr. p CoPPINGER, Cler. Civ. Corke, May 27, 1643. 30 Sep., 1639. Mem. Curire Civ. Corcke tempore Thomre fz. Georgii Goold, Ar. Maioris. Stephani Copinger et J ohannis fz. Mauritii Roche, _..Vicecom. ejusdem Civitatis. 7 Oct., 1639.
Stephen Copinger, the Sheriff, sworn Chamberlain. George Morrough and David Martell, Overseers. John Galwey fz. Andrew, Common Speaker. William Galwey, Swordbearer. Michrel Galwey and Stephen Galwey, Porters. Dominicke Roche and Richard Goold, Chief Serjeants. Richard Goold, Water Bailiff. Edmond Gerald and John Skiddie, Petty Serjeants. James ·Me Water and Redmond Breaghnagh, Under Porters. 30 Oct., 1639. John Galwey fz. Christopher sworn free paying 13s. 4d. . 4 Nov., 1639. David Goold fz. James sworn free paying 13s. 4d. 14 Nov., 1639.
It was agreed by the Mayor, &c., that the North B1·idge shall be sub- stantially built with sound and good timber, and that the same shall be well paved over with stone, gravel, and gand, according as the best bridge.&
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