our bridges with stone, we therefore require said Dominick to surcease building said bridges with stones, but to provide all materials requisite for building the castles and timber bridges only. 2 Oct., 1638. Mem. Curire Civ. Corcke, tempore Thomre Sarsfeld, Maioris. Jacobi Patricii Sarsfeld et Jacobi Davidis Goold, Vicecomit. ejusdem Civitatis. 9 Oct., 1638.
Dominick Copinger, Esq., sworn Recorder. William Galwey fz. Patrick, Swordbearer.
Michrell Galwey and Stephen Galwey, Porters. Domk. Roche and John Galwey, Serjeants at Mace. 16 Oct., 1638. Edmond Gerald a:ad John Skiddie, Pettie Serjeants. James fz. Walter and Redmond Breghnagh, Underporters. Richard Goold, deputy Water Bailiff. 23 Oct., 1638. John Roch fz. Morish, Common Speaker. James Sarsfield fz. Patrick, Sheriff, Chamberlain.
11 Feb., 1638. Richard Goold fz. Morish one of the Serjeants of Mace for this city, 26 Feb., 1638. That in pre8ence pf the Mayor, &c., Morrish Roche, Ald., doth acknow- ledge himself to be fully paid of the two Barques which were due unto him and Henry Goold, Ald., the rest of the under prize wines· which the said Henry and Morrish held by common seal from the Corporation. And that said grant do remain in the hands of said Morrish for his better security, being in suite with James Mathew. In witness whereof said Morrish hath put his hand. ·MoRRIS RocHE. 22 April, 1639. It was agreed by the Mayor, &c., that James Roche fz. Patricke, or his assignes, shall have five Barques under prisage of the mark a butt, in
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