Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Munster, whom we pray to take the same into consideration, and either to take such a course for the Petrs. relief as his Lo.{Y. in his judgment shall think fit, or otherwise to ·certify us what his Lop. shall conceive fit to be done upon the whole matter, that we may thereupon give such further directions as shall be fit. WENTWORTH. May it please yr. Lop. Having, according to yr. Lops. commands, entered into a serious consideration and examination of the within petition, I conceive, upon full debate of the whole matter, that the Petitioners ought not to expect any allowance of billet-money from the Corporation within mentioned for any part of the time wherein they have, upon occasion and in expectation of service, been absent from their Garrison, which opinion of mine I humbly present and submit to yr. Lop's. most grave consideration. W. S~. LEGER. To his Majestie's Lords Justices .Assizes for the City of Oorcke. The humble Petn. of the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Commonaltie of the City of Corcke.

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